Impact Initiatives

Greater Susquehanna Valley United Way addresses the root causes of problems in Northumberland, Snyder and Union Counties. We seek to support innovative, preventative programs that positively affect long-term change and are focused on the following Priorities for Impact (PFI). We collaborative with dedicated partner organizations to ensure the completion and advancement of projects, along with gathering and disseminating data points and program feedback. Currently we are targeting these areas:

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BASIC NEEDS - reducing food insecurity, reducing family dollars spent toward housing finding sustainable and affordable transportation, those who fall under the ALICE population

EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION - engaging in after school programs, improving and maintaining reading levels, encouraging healthy habits, fostering soft skills

TEENS - being engaged in the workforce or school, measuring school attendance every 2 years, measuring graduation rates across 10 districts, creating youth mental health initiatives, eliminating teen suicide


BEHAVIORAL HEALTH & ADDICTION - creating youth mental health task force, maintaining substance abuse supports and coalitions, eliminating overdoses and youth suicides, implementing and tracking youth data on substance use, implementing youth ambassadors program

DIVERSITY & INCLUSION - providing a welcoming community, hosting of community events and listening sessions, addressing systemic inequities through conversation and data, promoting Not In Our Valley campaigns

Interested in Working with us? Become a member of our Priorities For Impact Council!

GSVUW seeks volunteers from the public at large to join board members and other key volunteers who offer their expertise on matters within the community. PFI Council members will support United Way's efforts to identify and achieve the desired outcomes necessary to address communities’ most critical health and human services needs. To find out more about becoming a PFI Council Member, CLICK HERE. If interested in volunteering on a PFI Council, please contact the United Way at (570) 988-0993.


In addition to our above Bold Goals, we have been more recently focused on youth mental health, uplifting our community through simple acts of kindness, and educating ourselves and each other on the insidious effects of racism to further a region against racism and its practices. Learn more about the issues that are faced in our community, the work that we are doing and how you can help spread a message of optimism and inclusivity!

Interested in finding out more about the process of becoming a GSVUW funded partner?

Stay tuned for funding opportunities in 2021.