The Goal

The goal of this contest is to increase youth community involvement while supporting the mission of the Kindness Campaign to spread kindness throughout the region and encourage each of us to give back to our community.

Who can Enter

School-aged children across Columbia, Montour, Northumberland, Snyder, and Union counties are eligible to enter.

One Grand Prize winner and one runner-up will be selected from each age group:

  • Elementary K-5 grade

  • Middle School: 6-8 grade

  • High School: 9-12 grade


The competition will be featured on our social media and 3 Grand Prize winners will receive a $100 cash prize! The deadline to submit your poster is November 30, 2022. Winners will be announced on December 15, 2022.

  • Grand Prize Winners: $100 Cash Prize

  • Runner-Up Winners: Be Kind. Swag

How to Enter

  1. Complete the entry form above and include it with your submission.

  2. For digital posters, please email your poster along with your entry form to Samantha at by 11:59 PM on Wednesday, November 30, 2022.
    - Acceptable formats are either .pdf, jpeg, or .png files.
    - Please include the subject line “2022 Be Kind. Poster Contest.”

  3. For handcrafted posters, entries must be postmarked by November 30, 2022. Please mail your poster in a flat envelope along with your entry form to the following address:

    Susquehanna Valley United Way
    Attn: Be Kind Poster Contest
    P.O. Box 559, Sunbury, PA 17801

  4. Posters will not be returned. All submitted posters will become the property of Susquehanna Valley United Way for public display and/or advertisement.


  1. Poster can be either vertical or horizontal and must be between 8½ x 11 inches and 12 x 18 inches in size.

  2. Any mixed media suitable for reproduction as a poster is allowed, including computer-generated graphics. Posters must be two-dimensional. Please do not use sharp or breakable objects on your poster. If you do, the poster will be disqualified.

  3. Poster must include the words “Be Kind” as well as capture the theme of “What Does Kindness Look Like to You?” You can use our Be Kind. Logo in your work.

  4. Each poster may be the work of one student or a collaboration between two or three students. Winnings would be split among the individuals listed on the submission form.

  5. Poster concept and design must be the original work of the student entering the contest. No trademarked or copyrighted images or phrases should be used, with the exception of the Be Kind. logo, if applicable.

Judging Criteria

Overall Presentation (25%)
- The overall “look” and “feel” of the poster as a whole when first seen by the judge.

Effectiveness of Conveying the “Be Kind” Theme (25%)
- The degree to which the theme effectively is illustrated.

Originality (25%)
- Content is presented in a novel or unusual way.

Artistic Merit and Creativity (25%)
- Shows students’ use of imagination and is aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

*Judges’ decisions are final. No appeals.*

For a complete Poster Contest Toolkit, you can download it here:

Should you have any additional questions about the contest, please reach out to Samantha at