Answer our Community Questions.

What is the Community Mapping Project?

The Community Mapping Project is a process of story-gathering to create a deeper, more informed, and human-centered view of the five-county Susquehanna Valley region and the people we serve as the United Way.

Complete our community Questionnaire!

Based on your responses, we will create a map of people’s experiences by asking what is important to you as a person in this community. Things that bring you joy, what may be challenging for you or your family, and any issues within our region you feel need to be addressed.

Incident Form

For our purposes, an incident is any time someone was targeted for an identity or perceived identity, or there was an instance of hate-based action (such as pamphleting, graffiti, bullying, discrimination, etc.) We have a very open definition of 'incident' and hope you will enter anything you think might count.

You do not need to be directly involved in any way in order to record the incident. If it was something you observed directly, you can enter it as an incident you observed.

The United Way will only use this information anonymously, identified by county. By filling out these forms, you grant us permission to use the information you provide. If you want to get more involved in making the Community Map, reach out at